Welcome to our UBI Constitution




Last Updated on: July 14th, 2024


Established Date:


BarterUnit® LLC hereby affirms and officially establishes this BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) Constitution on the day of July 14th, 2024. 




We, the members of BarterUnit LLC, in recognition of the urgent need for a transformative global economic paradigm, do hereby establish this Constitution to articulate the principles and objectives guiding our collective endeavor. Rooted in a commitment to equity, innovation, and inclusivity, our shared vision envisions a world where Universal Basic Income (UBI) serves as the cornerstone for global economic prosperity.


BarterUnit® LLC is dedicated to establishing a Universal Basic Income program that operates independently of banks, governments, donors and speculative assets. This program aims to ensure that every eligible individual is granted the basic human right to receive a guaranteed income, expressed in the form of a multinational alternative digital currency known as the BarterUnit®.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this dedication to the Universal Basic Income program, affirming our commitment to economic independence and the fundamental human right to financial security.




The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) aims to improve financial stability, health, and quality of life for eligible individuals by providing a basic guaranteed income. This is achieved by offering access to economic resources through an alternative digital currency, the BarterUnit®, in addition to government-supported currencies, forming a dual-economy system that promotes economic equality, freedom, security, and sustainable growth while upholding human dignity.


The alternative digital currency known as BarterUnit® is designed with the intention of gaining universal acceptance as a legitimate means of transaction for goods and services, encompassing both individuals and businesses across the global spectrum. Our global envisions are as followed:  


  • Innovative Economic Solutions

We, as stewards of BarterUnit® LLC, pledge to forge ahead with cutting-edge economic and trade systems, dismantling traditional barriers to foster collaborative and prosperous global partnerships.


  • Decentralized Financial Landscape

BarterUnit® LLC solemnly affirms its dedication to an alternate world order, reducing dependence on government-sponsored currencies while seamlessly integrating with existing financial frameworks. Our independence from banks and government institutions guarantees agility and resilience.


  • Digital Cross-Country Transactions

BarterUnit® LLC is committed to facilitating digital cross-country payments, fostering economic integration within the BarterUnit®network, expanding payment options, and enhancing global financial security.


  • Global Economic Growth and Development through UBI

Aligned with the BarterUnit® Strategy, BarterUnit® LLC actively promotes economic ties that drive inclusive growth, eradicate poverty, and ensure social inclusion on a global scale. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI).


  • Currency Emphasis: All Transactions in BarterUnit®

BarterUnit® LLC underscores its commitment to the BarterUnit® as the primary alternative digital currency for all transactions, ensuring a standardized, efficient, and inclusive global financial system.


  • Global Collaboration in Technology

BarterUnit® LLC actively drives international collaboration in science, technology, and innovation, fostering knowledge exchange and technological advancements worldwide.


  • Sustainable Development

BarterUnit® LLC champions environmentally friendly and sustainable development methods, contributing to global sustainability goals.


  • Peace, Stability, and Security

Committed to global peace, stability, and security, BarterUnit® LLC addresses shared challenges and risks on a global scale.


  • South–South Cooperation

Embracing the spirit of South–South cooperation, BarterUnit® LLC commits to strengthening collaboration among developing nations, sharing best practices, and supporting initiatives for the overall development of the Global South.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this commitment to the ideals and objectives outlined within the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income program and the global envisions.



Related Purpose Quote: 


"Financial insecurity jeopardizes both personal independence and fundamental well-being. At BarterUnit®, we firmly stand behind the belief that every individual deserves the basic human right to participate in the money supply, safeguarding and nurturing financial freedom and independence. The inception of the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) program is our commitment to guarantee that no one is left vulnerable to the shortcomings of an inadequate and ineffective financial system." - Phillip H. Perez, Founder & CEO of BarterUnit® LLC



Article I: 


Section I: Establishment and Nature of BarterUnit®




A). Multinational Alternative Digital Currency

The BarterUnit® is hereby established as a multinational alternative digital currency within the jurisdiction of BarterUnit® LLC. It is recognized as a distinct digital medium of exchange utilized for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of goods and services.


B). Purpose and Functionality

The primary purpose of BarterUnit® is to serve as an alternative to government-sponsored currencies, providing users with the ability to engage in transactions involving goods and services. Users of BarterUnit® are empowered to determine and set their own fair market value for exchanged goods and services, as opposed to relying on a predetermined or set market value.


C). Exchange Mechanism

BarterUnit® shall operate as a digital currency, facilitating transactions by allowing users to exchange goods and services on a peer-to-peer basis. The system is designed to provide a decentralized and user-driven approach to determining the value of goods and services, fostering autonomy and fairness in market transactions.


D). Jurisdiction

The jurisdiction of BarterUnit® LLC shall encompass the use, issuance, and regulation of the BarterUnit® digital currency within the defined scope of this Constitution.


E). Regulatory Independence

BarterUnit® shall maintain regulatory independence from government-sponsored currencies, ensuring its distinct status as a multinational alternative digital currency governed by the principles outlined in this Constitution.


F). Constitutional Mandate for the Circulation Dynamics of BarterUnits® within the BarterUnit® Community

Pursuant to the categorical mandate, this constitution acknowledges the efficacy of accumulated BarterUnits in reinforcing bartering and purchasing capabilities. It categorically establishes that the inherent design principle of the BarterUnit® is centered on circulation. In firm adherence to this design imperative, strong encouragement is provided for the robust circulation of BarterUnit® exclusively within the BarterUnit® community. Participants are reminded that each expenditure of a BarterUnit® not only benefits the immediate transacting party but also creates the opportunity for subsequent utilization by another participant. The categorical imperative is to perpetuate and promote the continual circulation of BarterUnit®, thereby categorically fortifying the communal dynamics of the BarterUnit® system.


G.) Preservation of BarterUnit® Functionality and Mitigation of Accumulation

Pursuant to the overarching objective of preserving the designated functionality of BarterUnits® and averting the accumulation of considerable financial value therein, users, as mandated under the provisions of this constitution, are required to exercise due caution in the utilization of this service. In accordance with the principles enshrined in this constitution, BARTERUNIT LLC explicitly reserves the exclusive prerogative, exercisable at its sole discretion, to institute expiration dates for BarterUnits® at any juncture. This regulatory measure is directed towards the primary objective of meticulously regulating the velocity of unit value within the BarterUnits® system, thereby upholding the principles articulated in this constitution.



In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this Constitution, affirming the establishment, purpose, and functionality of the BarterUnit® as a multinational alternative digital currency.



Article II: 


Section I: BarterUnit® Value and Characteristics




A). Currency Equivalence Provision

In matters pertaining to currency, this constitution unequivocally establishes the BarterUnit® as identical to $1 U.S. dollar, while explicitly disclaimed as not equivalent. By stating that the BarterUnit is 'identical' to $1 U.S. dollar, this document seeks to convey a specific one-to-one correspondence in functionality. Although the intended ratio is 1:1, variations may occur internationally. This provision is absolute and constitutes an irrevocable component of the legal framework governing the utilization of BarterUnit®.


B). Digital Nature

BarterUnits®, as defined herein, shall exist exclusively in digital form. The entire currency system is digital, providing users with a secure and efficient means of transacting within the BarterUnit® network.


C). Statement on the Value and Autonomy of [the BarterUnit]

The coin, herein referred to as [the BarterUnit®], is established as an autonomous and independent monetary unit, devoid of reliance on any government-sponsored monetary system or currency. Each unit of [the BarterUnit®] shall be denominated as identical to one United States dollar ($1 USD), irrespective of fluctuations or depreciations in the value of the U.S. dollar, thereby maintaining this parity unconditionally.


*Note: In this context, the word "autonomous" emphasizes self-governance or self-regulation, while the word "independent" highlights freedom from external influence or control, distinguishing the currency's sovereignty.


D). Trade and Purchases

The value represented by BarterUnit® can be utilized by members to trade or make purchases within the BarterUnit® system. Transactions involving BarterUnits® are subject to the principles and regulations outlined in this Constitution, ensuring a fair and standardized exchange of value within the digital currency ecosystem.


E). Fee-Free BarterUnit® Transactions: A Commitment to Global Equity

In strict adherence to the stipulations set forth within this Constitution, every BarterUnit® peer-to-peer transaction, regardless of its nature, including cross-border transactions, shall be exempt from any imposition of fees or charges. This commitment underscores the fundamental principles of fairness, accessibility, and equality embedded within the BarterUnit® framework, fostering global economic cooperation and exchange.


F). Legal Status and Characteristics

BarterUnits® are explicitly not legal tender, do not constitute securities, and do not accrue interest. They are intended solely for use within the BarterUnit® system as a digital currency and hold no legal or financial status beyond this framework. Members are advised that BarterUnits® do not possess the characteristics of traditional legal tender, securities, or interest-bearing assets.


G). Classification of the BarterUnit® as Non-Cryptocurrency

In unequivocal terms, this constitutional provision addresses the classification of the BarterUnit®, expressly stating its non-cryptocurrency status. The BarterUnit® is distinctly affirmed not to be governed by a cryptographic program, with the organization abstaining from the utilization of any cryptography methodologies. Emphatically disavowing any promotion or official claim characterizing the BarterUnit® as a cryptocurrency, this legal constitution affirms its unique identity as a private non-commodity currency meticulously designed to facilitate trade exclusively within the BarterUnit® community.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this Constitution, affirming the equivalence, digital nature, value representation, legal status, and non-cryptocurrency classification of BarterUnits® within the BarterUnit® system. 



Article III


Section I: Declaration of Independence and Autonomy:




A). BarterUnit® LLC, herein referred to as "BarterUnit®," operates as a sovereign and independent entity, distinct from and not endorsed, directly affiliated with, maintained by, authorized, sponsored, or in any way connected or associated with any government agency, credit institution, banking institution, or with any specific state or country.


B). BarterUnit® acknowledges and upholds its autonomy as an independent entity, free from external influence or control, ensuring the unbiased pursuit of its mission and objectives.


C). BarterUnit® disclaims any direct affiliation with government agencies, underscoring its commitment to neutrality and independence from governmental entities.


D). BarterUnit® emphasizes its non-affiliation with credit institutions and banking institutions, affirming its self-sufficiency and autonomy in financial operations.


E). BarterUnit® clarifies that it is not specifically associated with any particular state or country, fostering a global presence that transcends specific geopolitical boundaries.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this declaration to be an integral part of our Constitution, affirming the independence and non-affiliation principles that guide the operations of BarterUnit®.



Article IV: 


Section I: Definition of BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI)


BarterUnit® LLC, herein referred to as "BarterUnit," formally defines the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) as follows:




A). Unconditional BarterUnit® Payments


BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) encompasses unconditional BarterUnit® payments of equal amounts issued at regular intervals, specifically on a monthly basis.


B). Recipients


The recipients of BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) include all qualified humans, with the explicit intention of adequately ensuring the basic right to economic security, freedom, and equality for both the current recipients and future generations.


C).  Characteristics of BUBI


The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) possesses the following key characteristics:


  • Universal: BUBI is universal in nature, automatically disbursed to all adult individuals without the imposition of a means test.


  • Unconditional: BUBI is unconditional, meaning it is paid without attaching any conditions, such as job search requirements or other qualifiers.


  • Adequate: BUBI is set at a level considered sufficient to protect citizens against poverty, ensuring a standard of living that upholds the dignity and well-being of the recipients.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this definition of BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) as an integral part of our Constitution, affirming our commitment to the principles of economic security, freedom, and equality for all.



Article V:


Section I: Eligibility




A). BarterUnit® LLC shall, without discrimination, provide a Universal Basic Income Grant to any human who meets specified requirements. This grant shall consist of 1,000 BarterUnits® per month, interest-free, serving as a cash alternative option, regardless of income, resources, employment status, or geographic location and without discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or any other factor.


Eligible individuals shall satisfy the following specified requirements to qualify for the Universal Basic Income Grant:


(a) Human Status: The individual must be a human.


(b) Age Requirement: The individual must be at least 18 years of age.


(c) Incarceration Status: The individual must not be currently incarcerated in a county jail, state, or federal prison.


(d) Identification Requirements: The individual must provide proof of a Social Security Number or National Identification Number Equivalent using one of the following three:


• State Identification Card

• State Driver’s License Identification Card

• National Passport


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this section to be an integral part of our Constitution, ensuring the fair and indiscriminate provision of a Universal Basic Income Grant in accordance with the specified requirements outlined herein.



Article VI: 


Section I: Non-Mandatory Justification and Program Integrity




A): Participation in the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income program shall not require any mandatory justification. The program is designed to be free from means-testing, behavioral-testing, and any form of demeaning, discriminatory, or arbitrary rules and regulations, except for the basic requirement of providing proof of identity as outlined in Article V, Section I, Provision A above.



Article VII: 


Section I: Duration and Termination




A). This provision is intended to remain in force indefinitely, with no specified expiration date.


B).  It may only be terminated upon the member's passing or in cases where a member breaches any of the Terms of Service established by BarterUnit LLC, or unless otherwise determined by BarterUnit LLC, including the termination of a user's account for any reason.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this section to be an integral part of our Constitution, safeguarding the principles of non-mandatory justification and program integrity within the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income Program.



Article VIII:


Section I: BarterUnit® Payments and Distributions




A). The BUBI shall be paid on an individual basis rather than, for instance, to households and shall be provided to all people in all countries.


B). Under the BarterUnit Universal Basic Income (BUBI) program, each individual is entitled to receive a single, equitable share of distributions, with the stipulation that only one account per person is permitted.


C). All BarterUnits® distributions will be monthly, unconditional, individual, unattachable, and independent of any other income, including but not limited to any government assistance incomes.


D). BarterUnits® are exclusively distributed as indivisible whole units.


E). BarterUnits® are exclusively generated and disseminated in electronic form. BarterUnit LLC does not engage in the physical production, manufacturing, or distribution of tangible coins or paper units within any jurisdiction, including but not limited to countries, states, and any indigenous reservations.


F). The BUBI monthly amount distributed, shall be calibrated and determined on either the national and/or international economy’s productive capacity and economic output and shall be subject to change at the sole discretion of BarterUnit LLC.


G). All BarterUnit® distributions shall be systematically processed on the 1st day of each month, electronically deposited into members' private e-wallets, referred to as the BarterUnit® “Pocketbook” (not associated with any bank deposit product).


H). BarterUnits® are programmable. Consequently, BarterUnit LLC, as the sole authority governing BarterUnit® operations, retains the exclusive right to introduce BarterUnit® expiration dates at its discretion, as and when deemed necessary. Such actions are taken with the specific objective of managing unit value and velocity within the BarterUnit system.


I). All BarterUnits® distributed including automated issued BarterUnits® from the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income program shall expire in 365 days from the date acquired.


J). All acquired expired BarterUnits®, including BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income distributions shall be diverted into the BarterUnit® Reserved Account, governed by BarterUnit® LLC panel of academic economist (see Article IX, Section I through VII).


K). The BarterUnit® LLC in which regulates the organization and implementation of the universal basic income program, will guarantee that, in the case of people in contexts of dependency, the administration of their income is in charge, totally or partially, of their legal caregivers.


L). The BarterUnit® Basic Income program is universally acknowledged as an inherent human right and shall not serve as a punitive measure, except in instances where members have breached the Terms of Service as specified by BarterUnit® LLC, when other decisions made by BarterUnit® LLC come into effect, or if the member becomes incarcerated, as mentioned in Article I, Section I, Provision A. 


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby affirm and declare the provisions delineated under Article VIII, Section I: BarterUnit® Payments and Distributions, as essential and binding principles governing the equitable dissemination and management of BarterUnits® within the BarterUnit® ecosystem. Through this solemn affirmation, we establish the fundamental entitlements, conditions, and responsibilities governing the BarterUnit Universal Basic Income (BUBI) program, ensuring the universality, transparency, and integrity of BarterUnit® distributions. Thus, we pledge our commitment to uphold these principles in accordance with the mission and values of BarterUnit® LLC, fostering a community of mutual support and economic empowerment for all members therein.



Section II: Legal Framework Governing BarterUnit® Conversions and Exchanges




A). Non-Redeemability into Government-Sponsored Currency:


This provision underscores a fundamental aspect of BarterUnits®: their absolute irreversibility when it comes to conversion. Under no circumstances shall BarterUnits® be subject to transformation or exchange into any variant of government-sponsored currency, including but not limited to any crypto-currency. This inherent quality distinguishes BarterUnits® as a distinct form of digital currency and not a cryptocurrency. 


B). Prohibition Against Exchange for Virtual Currencies and Legal Tender:


In addition to their non-convertibility into government-sponsored currencies, it is imperative to explicitly state that BarterUnits® shall not be subject to exchange for any manner of virtual currency or any alternate value system purporting to substitute for legal tender. BarterUnits® maintain their status as an autonomous and self-contained digital currency, offering innovative transactional capabilities while expressly precluding any consideration as a replacement for conventional monetary instruments or digital cryptocurrencies.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, affirm Article VIII, Section II: Legal Framework Governing BarterUnit® Conversions and Exchanges, as pivotal guidelines governing the unique nature and functionality of BarterUnits®. Through these provisions, we emphasize the non-redeemability of BarterUnits® into government-sponsored currency or any form of cryptocurrency, underscoring their distinct status as a self-contained digital currency. Furthermore, we prohibit their exchange for virtual currencies or legal tender, reiterating the autonomous nature of BarterUnits® within the digital economy.



Section III: Exploring BarterUnit® Principles: Fundamental Rights, State Independence, and Moral Support




A). Fundamental Rights: BarterUnits® as an Alternative Currency


BarterUnits® issued by BarterUnit® LLC, are provided as an alternative currency in acknowledgment and support of the fundamental right of individuals to engage in alternative and voluntary forms of commerce. The use of BarterUnits® is a matter of personal choice, rooted in the exercise of fundamental rights.


Users are hereby informed that the utilization of BarterUnits® is entirely voluntary and aligned with the principle of individual freedom. BarterUnit® LLC affirms and respects the fundamental right of users to choose alternative currencies as a medium of exchange, without any infringement on their autonomy.


It is essential to note that BarterUnit® LLC assumes no responsibility for the specific transactions or agreements entered into by individuals using BarterUnits®. The use of BarterUnits® is a manifestation of the fundamental right to pursue economic activities in a manner consistent with personal values and preferences.


BarterUnit® LLC does not intend to replace or infringe upon any official legal tender, as users are encouraged to exercise their fundamental rights to choose and participate in alternative economic systems. The value of BarterUnits® determined by participants within the BarterUnits® community, may fluctuate based on market dynamics, and users engage with this understanding as an inherent aspect of their fundamental rights.


By choosing to transact with BarterUnits®, users affirm their exercise of fundamental rights and acknowledge that BarterUnit® LLC shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from such voluntary exchanges.


This fundamental rights disclaimer is subject to change, and users are advised to review it periodically for any updates. The act of utilizing BarterUnits® implies acceptance of the terms outlined in this disclaimer, emphasizing the core principle of respecting and upholding fundamental rights.



B). BarterUnit® and State Independence


BarterUnit® is designed to operate independently of the state, establishing a financial system where both federal and state governments honor the freedom of trade without instituting control or regulation. The fundamental premise is a complete separation between the state and economics, fostering an environment where economic practices are conducted with utmost autonomy.


Similar to the legal principles governing the separation of State and Church, we advocate for laws that secure the separation of State and Economics. This approach is vital to safeguard individual liberty, prevent oppression, and mitigate corruption. BarterUnit® operates within the framework of these principles to preserve economic freedom and maintain a distinct separation from the influence of governmental bodies.


By engaging with BarterUnit® users affirm their understanding of its intended independence from state interference in economic matters. This provision underscores the commitment to upholding the principles of liberty and preventing undue influence on economic practices by external entities, in alignment with the philosophy of a distinct separation between the State and Economics.



C). State Involvement and Moral Support for the BarterUnit® Concept


BarterUnit® operates on the premise of independent economic practices, and states interested in participating are invited to extend moral support to this innovative concept. If states choose to be part of this economic concept, their involvement should be grounded in the following principles:


Medium of Exchange Agreement:

States supporting BarterUnit® acknowledge the principle that parties entering into transactions have the liberty to establish and create any mutually agreed-upon medium of exchange.


Ethical Financial System and UBI Program:

States endorsing BarterUnit® recognize that a dignified and freedom-respecting alternative financial system, coupled with an embedded Universal Basic Income (UBI) program distributed indiscriminately through an alternative digital currency, is fundamentally ethical. This approach is designed to assist individuals in meeting basic needs and aspirations not adequately addressed by government-sponsored currencies.


Critique of Existing Social Programs:

States expressing endorsement for BarterUnit® acknowledge the deficiencies in the prevailing state social programs, citing issues of demeaning practices, discrimination, and the arbitrary nature of means-testing and behavioral-testing. These programs are deemed ineffective and insufficient. Additionally, states recognize the imperative of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) system as a more efficacious alternative.


In the embrace of BarterUnit®, states are urged to maintain a respectful hands-off distance from direct involvement in its operations. Rather, they are encouraged to extend moral support, contributing to the collective progress of humanity. This disclaimer underscores the significance of states aligning with the ethical and freedom-centric tenets integral to the BarterUnit® concept.


The overarching objective is to eliminate political influence from the equation, concurrently instituting a comprehensive set of mandates designed to thwart any manifestation of political corruption. This commitment ensures that BarterUnit® remains grounded in ethical principles, fostering an environment where societal advancement takes precedence over political considerations.



Strategic Moral Backing for BarterUnit®: Five (5) Key Ways States Can Contribute


  • Public Endorsement and Education:
  • States can morally support BarterUnit® by publicly endorsing the concept and actively participating in educational initiatives. This involves promoting awareness and understanding of the ethical and economic principles behind BarterUnit®, fostering a positive environment for its acceptance within the community. States can actively engage in educational campaigns to enhance public understanding of BarterUnit®. By investing in initiatives such as workshops, seminars, and informational materials, states can empower their citizens with the knowledge needed to confidently participate in and benefit from the BarterUnit® system.
  • Policy Recognition and Non-Interference:
  • States can demonstrate moral support by recognizing BarterUnit® within their policy framework without direct involvement in its operations. Establishing policies that acknowledge the legitimacy of alternative currencies and non-interference in BarterUnit® transactions helps create an environment conducive to its growth and acceptance.
  • Research and Collaboration:
  • States can contribute to the advancement of BarterUnit® by supporting research initiatives and collaborating with relevant stakeholders. This involves fostering an open dialogue with BarterUnit® representatives, economists, and community leaders to explore ways in which the state can indirectly enhance the effectiveness and ethical standing of the alternative currency system.
  • Integration with Social Programs:
  • States can contribute to BarterUnit® by exploring avenues for integrating the alternative currency into existing social programs. By aligning BarterUnit® with initiatives focused on poverty alleviation, community development, or financial inclusion, states can amplify the positive impact of the alternative currency on vulnerable populations.
  • Non-Legal Tender Recognition:
  • States can play a pivotal role by officially recognizing BarterUnit® as a non-legal tender alternative medium of exchange. This distinction ensures clarity in the legal landscape, affirming that BarterUnit® is not intended to replace or compete with the official currency but rather serves as a complementary and voluntary exchange mechanism. Such recognition provides a legal framework that promotes the legitimacy and coexistence of BarterUnit® within the broader economic landscape.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, affirm Article VIII, Section III: Exploring BarterUnit® Principles. This framework upholds fundamental rights, state independence, and moral support for BarterUnits®. We prioritize individual freedom in economic choice, advocate for the separation of State and Economics, and encourage states to morally support BarterUnit® through endorsement and non-interference. Together, we advance ethical, transparent, and independent economic practices for the collective progress of humanity.



Article IX: The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income Governance


Section I: The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income Governance

BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) shall be governed by a Panel of Academic Economists consisting of an odd number of three (3) or more members. The Panel shall have the following responsibilities:


Administering the BUBI and making decisions regarding its implementation.

Ensuring transparency and democratic safeguards in the regulatory process.

Maintaining checks and balances within the system.

Ensuring that decisions are based on economic grounds rather than political considerations.


Section II: Composition of The Panel

The composition of The Panel shall consist of academically qualified economists appointed by BarterUnit® LLC. The appointment shall be based on merit and expertise in the field of economics.


Section III: Powers of The Panel

The Panel shall have the following powers:


Setting the amount of basic income.

Determining eligibility criteria for the basic income.

Managing the distribution and payment of the basic income.

Overseeing the implementation of the BUBI.


Section IV: The Decision-Making Process

The Panel shall make decisions based on a majority rule basis. In the event of a tie, The Chair of the Panel shall have the casting vote.


Section V: Transparency and Accountability

The Panel shall be transparent in its decision-making process and shall make all decisions and operations publicly available. The Panel shall also be accountable to BarterUnit® LLC and shall be subject to review by the Company.


Section VI: Limitations of Powers

The powers of The Panel shall be limited and shall not infringe on the rights and freedoms of citizens. The Panel shall also not be able to make decisions that are contrary to the principles of the BUBI program.


Section VII: Comprehensive Oversight and Monitoring

The Panel shall be responsible for:

Establishing dedicated oversight bodies or agencies to monitor the equitable distribution of Universal Basic Income and investigate any suspected instances of abuse or fraud.

Ensuring that regular audits and inspections of UBI distribution procedures are conducted to pinpoint vulnerabilities and mitigate risks of misuse effectively.


Section VIII: Anti-Abuse Measures

The Panel shall be responsible for the following anti-abuse measures:

Integration of Anti-Abuse Mechanisms
There shall be established within the Universal Basic Income (UBI) system robust anti-abuse measures to prevent fraudulent activities and ensure the integrity of the program. This shall include the creation of specialized investigative units dedicated to identifying, investigating, and addressing instances of fraud, waste, and abuse.


Anonymous Reporting Channels
Provisions shall be made for the establishment of anonymous reporting channels to encourage individuals to report suspected abuse or misuse of the UBI system. The confidentiality of whistleblowers shall be maintained, and protections against retaliation shall be ensured for those who report wrongdoing in good faith.


Collaboration with Law Enforcement
There shall be collaboration with law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities to ensure that individuals committing fraud are held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Measures for the recovery of assets obtained through fraudulent means shall be employed, with the recovered funds being reinvested into the UBI program.


Section IX: Funding

The BUBI shall be funded exclusively by BarterUnit® LLC. The Panel shall be responsible for managing the funds and ensuring they are used in accordance with the principles of the BUBI program.


In the event that donations are received, it is decreed that such funds shall not be allocated towards the creation of BarterUnits; rather, they shall be utilized solely for the maintenance and sustenance of the BarterUnit® system framework. BarterUnits®, herein defined as the units of exchange within the system, shall be generated and disseminated exclusively under the purview of BarterUnit® LLC, in accordance with the directives and protocols established by the aforementioned entity.


This Constitution shall be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the needs of all individuals. This Constitution shall be amended by a two-third vote of the Panel and with the approval of the CEO of BarterUnit® LLC.


In witness of the following, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, establish Article IX: The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income Governance. This outlines the structure, powers, and responsibilities of the Panel of Academic Economists entrusted with administering the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) program. Through the outlined sections, we affirm our commitment to transparent and accountable governance, respecting individual rights and ensuring the continued relevance of the program.


Article X


Section I: Additional Provisions Governing BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) Program




A). The BarterUnit® UBI shall not be used to finance illegal activities. 


B). The utilization of the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (UBI) shall be carried out with full respect for the rights of others, including both their inherent, natural rights and the constitutional rights enshrined by law. It is imperative that the BUBI program does not serve as a means to infringe upon or violate these fundamental rights, thereby upholding the principles of justice and legal equality within the society.


C). BarterUnits® do not hold the status of legal tender, and as such, members shall be safeguarded and exempt from any form of garnishments.


D). BarterUnits® cannot be withdrawn or redeemed for cash.


E). Incorporated entities or organizations are eligible to have an account but not to receive Universal Basic Income (UBI) benefits.


F). Any unethical or illegal activity engaged in by an applicant or participant, which has the potential to compromise the integrity or tarnish the reputation of the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (BUBI) program or BarterUnit® LLC, shall be deemed as a violation by BarterUnit® LLC.



Article XI:


Section I: Empowering the Working-Class and Poor: BarterUnit's Benefits Unveiled


In the legal framework of BarterUnit®, the empowerment of the working-class and poor is a fundamental principle, elucidating the transformative potential of the proposed concept. This constitutional document articulates the distinctive advantages of BarterUnit®, recognizing it not only as a medium of exchange but as a constitutional catalyst for empowerment. BarterUnit® pledges tangible benefits to those seeking enhanced negotiating power, better job opportunities, and a redefined occupational identity.




A). Negotiating Power Amplified

For the working-class and poor, BarterUnit® serves as a beacon of opportunity, amplifying negotiating power in employment settings. The system equips individuals with a valuable tool to stand against exploitative and abusive working environments, fostering a fairer and more equitable labor landscape (see also Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, Section I through IV).


B). Diverse Job Opportunities

BarterUnit® extends beyond a mere transactional medium; it provides a gateway to diverse job opportunities. Users, particularly the working-class and poor, can choose meaningful work forms that align with their skills and aspirations, moving beyond the constraints of unstable labor choices (see also Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, Section I through IV).


C). UBI for Occupational Identity

The proposed Universal Basic Income (UBI) system embedded in BarterUnit® holds the promise of not just financial security but also the opportunity for an occupational identity. For the working-class and poor, this UBI system becomes a lifeline, providing a narrative to their lives and a sense of social relevance in a world where such factors significantly impact living standards (see also Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, Section I through IV).


D). Choosing Valuable Work Forms

BarterUnit® stands as a facilitator for individual choices, encouraging users to choose work that holds personal value. It creates a paradigm shift where individuals can pursue occupations that resonate with their passions and skills, breaking away from the shackles of conventional, limiting labor choices (see also Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, Section I through IV).


E). Social Relevance and Living Standards

In the contemporary landscape where social relevance heavily influences living standards, BarterUnit® emerges as a driving force. The proposed system, with its UBI component, doesn't just provide financial support; it fosters a sense of belonging and societal significance, empowering the working-class and poor to elevate their living standards (see also Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, Section I through IV).


Conclusion: A Transformative Force

In essence, BarterUnit® unfolds as a transformative force, especially for the working-class and poor, amplifying negotiating power, diversifying job opportunities, and providing a meaningful occupational narrative. Beyond the exchange of currency, BarterUnit® becomes a constitutional vehicle for social empowerment, heralding a future where individuals can shape their destinies and contribute meaningfully to society.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this Constitution, affirming the principles that guide the empowerment of the working-class and poor within the BarterUnit® system.



Article XII


Section I: BarterUnit® Community Rewards Program:


Complementing the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income program, the BarterUnit® Community Rewards Program presents an opportunity for individuals to earn BarterUnits® through designated transactions. This legal framework outlines the terms and conditions governing the program, providing participants with a clear and structured path to accumulate rewards. Familiarity with these guidelines is essential for adherence and eligibility. Together, these initiatives embody BarterUnit's commitment to fostering community engagement and equitable opportunities.




A). The BarterUnit® Community Rewards program, herein referred to as "the program," is governed by the terms and conditions set forth in this constitution.


B). Participants in the program are entitled to receive 1 BarterUnit® for each transaction specifically involving the sale of goods and services, with the explicit condition that the seller and/or service provider shall exclusively be entitled to the reward within this context.


C). To be eligible for the reward, the transaction amount must exceed 20 BarterUnits®.


D). The daily maximum limit for rewards is set at ten (10) BarterUnits®, per account.


E). Participants are required to thoroughly review and adhere to the program's official guidelines, as any violation may result in the forfeiture of rewards.


F). The program reserves the right to modify or terminate the reward system at its discretion at any juncture.


G. By engaging in transactions to earn BarterUnits®, users implicitly agree to comply with the established terms and conditions governing this rewards program.


This constitution shall serve as the guiding document for the BarterUnit® Community Rewards Program, and any amendments or modifications shall be made in accordance with the provisions outlined herein.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this dedication to the BarterUnit® Community Rewards Program, affirming our commitment to fostering economic participation and providing an additional means for financial empowerment in the specific context of the sale of goods and services.



Article XIII


Section I: Disclaimer on Gifting or Donating BarterUnits®:


In accordance with the BarterUnit® legal constitution, it is hereby established that BarterUnit® members possess the right to gift or donate their BarterUnits® to other members within the BarterUnit® community. This provision recognizes the voluntary nature of transferring BarterUnit® as an expression of goodwill and community support.




A). Members are entitled to gift or donate BarterUnits® to other members within the BarterUnit® community, without imposing any obligation on the recipient.


B). The act of gifting or donating BarterUnits® is considered a voluntary and personal decision, and the donor relinquishes any claim or expectation of reciprocity.


C). The recipient of gifted or donated BarterUnits® acknowledges the transaction as a voluntary gift and is under no obligation to reciprocate.


D). The legal constitution of BarterUnit® reserves the right to establish guidelines for the gifting or donation of BarterUnits®, and any amendments or modifications to these guidelines shall be made in accordance with the provisions outlined herein.


E). Donation Disclaimer:


Given that BarterUnits® do not hold the status of legal tender, tax-exempt rules shall not apply.


BarterUnit LLC is not a nonprofit organization and does not have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.


Contributions made to BarterUnit® members are not tax-deductible. Donors should consult with their tax advisors or relevant tax authorities to determine the tax implications of their contributions.


In witness whereof, we, the members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and decree this provision affirming the right of members to gift or donate BarterUnits®, fostering a spirit of community and mutual support within the BarterUnit® ecosystem.



Article: XIV


Section I: Declaration of Global Corporate Identity and Transactional Framework for The BarterUnits®: Empowering Communities Worldwide through Flexible Exchange, Without Mandated Bartering Practices.




This document serves as an affirmation of the global corporate identity of "The BarterUnit®" and its dedication to fostering equitable economic exchange on a worldwide scale, with a focus on providing users the flexibility beyond traditional barter transactions. Recognizing "The BarterUnit®" as the company's legal name, it is emphasized that this designation transcends geographical boundaries and is applicable across diverse communities worldwide.


The company reiterates its commitment to providing users from all corners of the globe with access to an autonomous currency, known as the "BarterUnit®," as an inherent entitlement intended to foster economic empowerment and facilitate the exchange of goods and services within communities worldwide. It is explicitly stated that while users have the option to engage in barter transactions, the platform offers flexibility beyond traditional bartering, allowing for a broader spectrum of transactional methods to accommodate diverse preferences and needs.


This access to an independent currency is regarded as fundamental, ensuring that individuals, irrespective of their geographical location or socioeconomic status, can actively participate in economic transactions and contribute to the prosperity of their communities. The BarterUnit’s® primary objective is to foster transparent, efficient, and inclusive transactions involving a diverse range of goods and services, offering users the freedom to choose the most suitable exchange method for their transactions.


By leveraging technology and innovative solutions, The BarterUnit® aims to bridge gaps, promote economic inclusivity, and empower communities to thrive in a globalized economy. Through this declaration, The BarterUnit® reaffirms its commitment to advancing economic equity, fostering community resilience, and catalyzing sustainable development initiatives worldwide while providing users with the flexibility to utilize BarterUnit® for the exchange of goods and services, without mandating traditional bartering practices.


Summarized: While the corporate denomination is identified as "The BarterUnit®," it is imperative to note that users are not compelled to engage solely in barter transactions. Rather, they may utilize BarterUnits® for transactions, and bartering remains an option between mutually consenting parties.


In witness whereof, we, the undersigned members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and affirm the foregoing as the Declaration of Global Corporate Identity and Transactional Framework for The BarterUnits®, with the aim of empowering communities worldwide through flexible exchange, without mandated bartering practices.



Article XV: Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy


Section I: Recognition of Issue

The BarterUnit® system hereby acknowledges the fundamental distinction between a mandatory-participation economy, wherein individuals are compelled to contribute labor under imposed conditions, and a voluntary-participation economy, wherein individuals freely elect to participate in economic activities.


Section II: Commitment to a Voluntary-Participation Economy

The BarterUnit® system is resolutely committed to fostering an economy predicated on voluntary participation. We recognize that, in an ideal situation, necessary labor would be performed voluntarily or through mutually agreed-upon rewards that incentivize participation without coercion.


Section III: Rejection of Mandatory Participation

The BarterUnit® system explicitly rejects the notion that a mandatory-participation economy is ideal. While acknowledging that some labor is essential for societal functioning, we assert that compulsion to work under mandated conditions is non-ideal and frequently exploitative. Historical evidence indicates that mandatory participation disproportionately burdens the lower and middle classes while providing insufficient rewards for their labor.


Section IV: Role of the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (UBI) Initiative

The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (UBI) initiative is a foundational element of our strategy to counteract the mandatory-participation economy and to promote voluntary participation. By providing a financial foundation for all individuals, the UBI initiative:


Ensures Economic Stability: Guarantees a basic level of income for all individuals, thereby reducing financial insecurity and allowing individuals to make free choices regarding their economic activities without the pressure of survival.


Empowers Voluntary Participation: With a guaranteed income, individuals are not compelled to accept any available work merely to meet their basic needs. Instead, they can choose to engage in work that is meaningful and aligned with their skills and interests.


Reduces Exploitation: By alleviating the immediate financial pressures that compel individuals to accept unfair labor conditions, the UBI helps to prevent the exploitation inherent in a mandatory-participation economy.


Promotes Fair Compensation: Establishes a baseline for income, encouraging fairer compensation for labor as individuals are no longer desperate to accept substandard wages.


Fosters Community and Collaboration: With financial stability ensured, individuals are more likely to engage in collaborative and community-focused projects, knowing that their basic needs are met.



Section V: Measures to Establish a Voluntary-Participation Economy

The BarterUnit® system shall endeavor to work collaboratively with states and policymakers to implement measures that promote a voluntary-participation economy, including:


Advocating for Fair Labor Policies: Promoting policies that ensure fair and equitable compensation for labor, recognizing the value of voluntary contribution.


Encouraging Voluntary Labor Contributions: Supporting initiatives that encourage individuals to voluntarily contribute to necessary labor through community incentives and agreed-upon rewards.


Monitoring and Addressing Exploitative Practices: Establishing systems to identify and rectify undemocratic and exploitative labor practices imposed by private entities or governing bodies.


Fostering a Collaborative Economic Environment: Creating an economic environment where individuals can freely collaborate and determine the necessary work to be done and the appropriate rewards for such work.


Section VI: Ideal Vision of Community

The BarterUnit® system envisions a higher ideal and a kinder vision of community, where individuals voluntarily come together to identify and accomplish necessary tasks. This vision is grounded in mutual respect, voluntary participation, and fair rewards, thereby moving away from coercive economic structures.


This article forms an integral part of the BarterUnit® legal constitution, reflecting our unwavering commitment to transitioning from a mandatory-participation economy to a voluntary-participation economy, thereby promoting true economic freedom and community well-being.


In witness whereof, we, the undersigned members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and affirm the foregoing as the Promotion of a Voluntary-Participation Economy, with the aim of fostering economic freedom, reducing exploitation, and promoting community well-being through the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income initiative and collaborative efforts with policymakers.



Article XVI: Recognition and Combatting of Resource Monopolization and Arbitrary Interference


Section I: Recognition of Issue

The BarterUnit® system recognizes that the monopolization of resources by private entities and the imposition of undemocratic rules, regulations, and restrictions on these resources without proper compensation to the people constitute severe infringements on individual freedom. Such practices perpetuate poverty traps and compel individuals to live in poverty, representing arbitrary interference.


Section II: Commitment to Egalitarian Resource Distribution

The BarterUnit® system is committed to ensuring that natural resources are shared in an egalitarian manner. It is recognized that all individuals have a legitimate claim to an equal share of the ownership of natural resources. This claim is best secured through an equal share of the current market value of these resources.


Section III: Efforts to Combat Resource Monopolization

The BarterUnit® system is dedicated to combating the monopolization of resources by private entities. We aim to dismantle undemocratic rules, regulations, and restrictions on resources that are imposed without equitable compensation. Such actions are to be identified and opposed as they are detrimental to the collective well-being.


Section IV: Measures to Promote Economic Freedom and Rectification

The BarterUnit® system will take measures to promote economic freedom and combat arbitrary interference that perpetuates poverty traps and forces individuals to live in poverty. These measures include:


Incorporating the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income Program: The BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (UBI) program is a key component to enhance economic freedom and provide financial stability to all individuals. The primary motivation for this initiative is to ensure that no individual is at the mercy of others, be it an individual, a class, a system, or a state. UBI ensures that all individuals have sufficient resources to maintain their independence and core well-being.


Advocating for Policies that Ensure Fair and Equitable Distribution of Natural Resources: Promoting policies that prevent resource domination and require equitable compensation for the use of natural resources, thereby preserving individual independence.


Implementing Systems to Monitor and Address Undemocratic Practices: Establishing systems to identify and rectify undemocratic and exploitative labor practices imposed by private entities or governing bodies.


Supporting Collective Action to Rectify Injustices and Promote Shared Ownership of Natural Resources: Encouraging community initiatives to rectify historical injustices and foster shared ownership and management of natural resources.


Establishing Mechanisms to Compensate Those Affected by Resource Monopolization: Creating compensation frameworks for individuals adversely affected by resource monopolization, ensuring their access to sufficient resources is maintained.


Ensuring Voluntary Participation in the BarterUnit® System: Promoting a voluntary-participation economy where individuals choose to engage based on their own free will, ensuring that no one is coerced into economic activities.


This article forms a fundamental part of the BarterUnit® legal constitution, reflecting our recognition of the issue and our commitment to combat it through the BarterUnit® system.



In witness whereof, we, the undersigned members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and affirm the foregoing as the Recognition and Combatting of Resource Monopolization and Arbitrary Interference, with the aim of promoting economic freedom, ensuring equitable resource distribution, and fostering a voluntary-participation economy for the betterment of all individuals. 



Article XVII: Acknowledgment of Wealth and Power Dynamics


Section I. In recognition of the potential widespread adoption of an alternative financial system as a legitimate medium of exchange, it is hereby acknowledged that such adoption may pose a substantial challenge to the social and political power historically wielded by the wealthy.


Section II. The introduction of this system, particularly when coupled with a Universal Basic Income (UBI) framework designed to secure the financial stability of all citizens, shall inherently infringe upon the profits, influence, and control of affluent individuals and entities.


Section III. This Constitution affirms that the empowerment of the working class and economically vulnerable populations is paramount, thereby diminishing the capacity of the wealthy to exert domination and exploitation over these groups.


Section IV. Recognizing these dynamics, it is anticipated that significant resistance shall be encountered from those with vested interests, aimed at undermining any UBI initiative, as such initiatives are contrary to the interests of the wealthy and powerful.


Section V. Until such time as governments worldwide enact or establish new policies that protect the populace from usury, corporate greed, and political corruption, while creating and sustaining an effective and efficient egalitarian economy, this Constitution hereby proposes the establishment of an alternative financial system, inclusive of an embedded Universal Basic Income program, as a means to safeguard the rights and welfare of the people.



Here are five preventive measures specifically for the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income program:


Public Advocacy Campaign: Launch a proactive public advocacy campaign to educate citizens about the benefits of the BarterUnit® UBI program. Emphasize how it enhances economic stability, reduces inequality, and empowers individuals economically.


Partnerships with Influential Stakeholders: Forge alliances with influential stakeholders such as economists, academics, community leaders, and NGOs. Collaborate to build broad-based support and counter potential opposition from vested interests.


Policy Integration and Legal Safeguards: Advocate for the incorporation of the BarterUnit® UBI program into existing local and national frameworks, ensuring compliance with constitutional provisions. Focus on promoting legislative measures that support the program's implementation while respecting the obligations of contracts and the legal tender laws established by the Constitution.


Financial Sustainability Planning: Develop robust financial sustainability plans for the BarterUnit® UBI program. Highlight the program's economic viability and potential long-term benefits to deter criticism related to financial feasibility.


Responsive Communication Strategy: Implement a responsive communication strategy to address concerns and misinformation swiftly. Maintain transparent communication channels with the public, addressing doubts and promoting trust in the program's objectives and outcomes.


These measures aim to build resilience against opposition and create a supportive environment for the successful implementation of the BarterUnit® UBI program.



In witness whereof, we, the undersigned members of BarterUnit® LLC, do hereby establish and affirm the foregoing provisions of Article XVII: Acknowledgment of Wealth and Power Dynamics, along with the accompanying preventive measures for the BarterUnit Universal Basic Income program, with the aim of confronting entrenched power structures, promoting economic equity, and safeguarding the rights and welfare of the people, thereby fostering a just and sustainable financial ecosystem for all.



*Note: This constitution is a dynamic project that may be subject to amendments at the discretion of BarterUnit® LLC, reflecting ongoing refinement and improvement at any given time.